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영어로 비호감 표현: 케이트 윈슬렛, Tough nut to crack

S부장 in US 2022. 12. 29. 10:34

영어로 비호감 표현: 케이트 윈슬렛, Tough nut to crack 


영어 비호감 표현


2022년 12월 개봉한 "아바타2" 에 출연한 케이트 윈슬렛 Kate Winslet 제임스 카메론 James Cameron 감독에 대한 평가가 반감에서 호감으로 바뀐 인터뷰 기사 입니다.


1)  이해하기 힘든 사람:  tough nut to crack


Kate Winslet has said she loved reuniting with Titanic director James Cameron on Avatar 2 - after previously saying she wouldn't work with him again due to his 'bad temper'.


But in an interview with the Los Angeles Times, published in line with Titanic's release, Kate called James, 68, 'a really tough nut to crack', adding: 'There were times I was genuinely frightened of him.' 


While Kate said she 'did come to understand him' and 'a couple of times... felt he was someone I could take a country walk with, and enjoy it,' she told The Guardian two years later: 'He has a temper like you wouldn't believe.

'You'd have to pay me a lot of money to work with Jim again.'


1997년 "타이타닉" 개봉 직후에는, "나쁜 성격으로 다시는 같이 일하지 않겠다." 고 하고, 다시 "그를 이해할 수 있다. 그는 시골길을 같이 산책하고 즐길 수 있는 그런 사람이다." 


다시, 2년 뒤에는 "그는 믿을 수없을 만한 성격을 가졌다.  그와 일하려면 엄청난 돈을 받아야 한다." 고 했지요.



케이트 윈슬렛
케이트 윈슬렛





2)  꼬이다:  get twisted


'Looking back so much gets twisted. Jim is an amazing man and all the good things I ever said about him were left out so it's nice to be able to say how extraordinary he is and know people are going to listen this time.



3)  신비한, 매력적인:  mesmerizing


'How he creates these stories is just mesmerizing and he establishes a working environment that is so much fun, really collaborative and super experimental.

'It's an amazing thing to be a part of and I walked away thinking, 'I could do that again, and again, and again.'






Kate Winslet loved working with Titanic director James Cameron again

The actress, 47, starred in the iconic romantic movie with Leonardo DiCaprio in 1997, and now features in his new film Avatar: The Way of Water which is released next Friday.



