여행 언어

[영어] 영어표현: 송혜교 get revenge on

S부장 in US 2022. 12. 27. 10:57

[영어] 영어표현: 송혜교 get revenge on 


송혜교가 새로이 출연하는 학폭 복수극 "더 글로리" 영문 기사인데, 이번에 학폭에 관련된 어휘를 배워 봅시다.


박연진 송혜교


  • 괴롭히다 :  bully / be bullied / get bullied 

She is a former victim who was bullied by her friend at primary school.


  • 놀리다:     tease / harass / pick on+사람 / make fun of+사람

She was teased by her friend at primary school.

That girl led to harass a small girl with her group.


  • 복수하다:  get revenge on+사람 / get one's own back on+사람 / avenge

She will get revenge on her ex-boyfriend who bullied her at dating.


  • 학교 폭력:  school violence
  • 비행청소년:  juvenile delinquent
  • 비행 / 악행:  misconduct / misdeed / irregularity / wrongdoing
  • 왕따 당한 사람:  outcast / victim







Song Hye Kyo, Lee Do Hyun, And Lim Ji Yeon Share Unique Insights Into Their Characters In Upcoming Revenge Drama “The Glory”

Song Hye Kyo, Lee Do Hyun, And Lim Ji Yeon Share Unique Insights Into Their Characters In Upcoming Revenge Drama “The Glory”



