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[영어광고] 애플 탄소중립: Every product carbon neutral by 2030 | Apple

S부장 in US 2023. 6. 21. 22:10

[영어광고] 애플 탄소중립: Every product carbon neutral by 2030 | Apple


애플 탄소중립 광고
애플 탄소중립 광고



[영어광고] 애플 탄소중립: Every product carbon neutral by 2030 | Apple 에 대해 리뷰하려고 합니다.


애플 Apple은 2030년까지 전 제품 대상으로 탄소 중립 carbon neutral을 달성하겠다고 선언하는 캠페인을 내보내고 있네요.


탄소 중립은 이산화탄소 배출량이 0인 상태로, 주로 화석 연료의 연소에서 발생하는 배출량을 줄이고 대기에서 이산화탄소를 제거하는 방식으로 수행됩니다.


현재, 미국, 유럽 및 한국의 주요 국가들이 2050년까지 탄소중립 달성을 목표로 하고 있는데, 애플이 선도적으로 추진하네요.


Every product carbon neutral by 2030 | Apple

Apple has a plan and a promise to make Apple carbon neutral.

Wait, no.

We've already done that.


To make every single Apple product carbon neutral by 2030, even yours.

We're working to make every iPhone, iPad, Watch, and Mac 

with 100 percent recycled or renewable materials.


We're finding new ways to extract

aluminum, steel, tin, tungsten, and plastic from recycled Apple products.


We're growing enough trees and recycling enough paper

to sustain all our packaging, but we can do much more.


It's not just what goes into our products, it's also how they're made.

Hundreds of manufacturers, distributors, testers, 

assemblers, dis-assembles, and material-makers all upgrading to 100 percent renewable energy.


A lot of them are even going zero-waste, but it's still not enough. 

Manufacturing is just a part of it.

What about all of you? This is a big one.


Apple devices are all over the world, and by 2030, 

all of the electricity charging all of your devices will be 100 percent renewable.


So you're a part of this, too, because Apple is going carbon neutral.

No, everything Apple is going carbon neutral.

Apple has a plan.



Every product carbon neutral by 2030 | Apple




