[뮤직] 라라랜드 LA LA LAND OST: Audition (The Fools Who Dream)
" Audition (The Fools Who Dream) "은 뮤지컬 영화 라라랜드 (2016)를 위해 Benj Pasek과 Justin Paul 이 작사하고 Justin Hurwitz 가 작곡한 곡입니다.
미아 역을 맡은 미국 여배우 엠마 스톤이 부른 감성 발라드가 영화 "라라랜드"의 절정을 이루는데, "Audition"은 Mia가 예술 분야에서 커리어를 가지는 사람이 무엇을 의미하는지 설명하는 것으로, 몽상가이지만 배우가 되려는 자신의 모습을 표현하고 있네요.
Audition 모티브, 1964년 쉘부르의 우산 OST에서
Audition 은 2011년 저스틴 허위츠가 미리 작곡했는데, 허위츠는 1964년 프랑스 뮤지컬 "쉘브르의 우산" The Umbrellas of Cherbourg에 나오는 남녀 주인공이 부르는 "I Will Wait for You."에서 모티브를 얻었다고 합니다.
[* "I Will Wait for You" is the English version of "Je ne pourrai jamais vivre sans toi", a song from the French musical The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (Les Parapluies de Cherbourg, 1964).]
Audition (The Fools Who Dream) by Emma Stone
My aunt used to live in Paris
I remember, she used to come home and tell us these stories about being abroad
And I remember she told us that she jumped into the river once, barefoot
She smiled
Leapt, without looking
And tumbled into the Seine
The water was freezing
She spent a month sneezing
But said she would do it again
Here's to the ones who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here's to the hearts that ache
Here's to the mess we make
She captured a feeling
Sky with no ceiling
The sunset inside a frame
She lived in her liquor
And died with a flicker
I'll always remember the flame
Here's to the ones who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here's to the hearts that ache
Here's to the mess we make
She told me
"A bit of madness is key
To give us new colors to see
Who knows where it will lead us?
And that's why they need us"
So bring on the rebels
The ripples from pebbles
The painters, and poets, and plays
And here's to the fools who dream
Crazy as they may seem
Here's to the hearts that break
Here's to the mess we make
I trace it all back to then
Her, and the snow, and the Seine
Smiling through it
She said she'd do it again
Audition (The Fools Who Dream) by Emma Stone (Music Video)
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