[영어] 승진한 동료에게, "승진 축하합니다"
[미국영어] 승진한 동료에게, "승진 축하합니다" 에 대해 리뷰하려고 합니다.
직장에서 자신도 승진하지만, 주변 동료들이 승진하는 것을 많이 보게 되지요.
영미권 동료에게 승진 축하한다는 주요 표현을 정리하려고 합니다.
간단한 표현, " 승진 축하해 "
동급 레벨이라면 간단한 표현도 충분하지요.
네이티브 레벨은 Congrats 또는 Kudos 많이 사용하네요.
"Congratulations on your promotion! Well deserved!"
"Way to go! Congrats on the new job!"
"Congrats on the new role! You rock!"
"Kudos on the well-earned promotion!"
"High five on the new position! You nailed it!"
일반적 표현, " 승진 축하합니다 "
한 문장으로 승진을 축하하는 표현입니다.
"Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion! You've worked hard for this and I'm thrilled for you."
"Wishing you a heartfelt congratulations on your new role! You've earned it and I have no doubt you'll excel."
"Congratulations on your new position! It's a testament to your skills and dedication. Well done!"
"Fantastic news! Congrats on your new job! Your talent and perseverance have paid off."
"Congratulations on your exciting new opportunity! You've earned this step forward and I couldn't be happier for you."
정중한 표현, " 승진하심을 진심으로 축하드립니다 "
좀더 격식을 차리는 정중한 표현입니다.
"Congratulations on your promotion! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and I have no doubt that you will excel in your new role. Wishing you continued success on this exciting career journey!"
"I'm thrilled to hear about your new job! It's a testament to your talent and accomplishments, and I know you'll make a significant impact in your new position. Congrats and best wishes as you embark on this new chapter!"
"Congrats on the well-deserved promotion! Your exceptional skills and unwavering commitment have earned you this opportunity, and I have no doubt that you'll thrive in your new role. Here's to your continued growth and success!"
"Wow, congratulations on the new position! Your dedication and expertise have been recognized, and I couldn't be happier for you. Best of luck as you step into this exciting chapter of your career!"
"I'm absolutely delighted to hear about your new job! Your talent and determination have led you to this milestone, and I'm confident that you'll achieve great things in your new role. Congratulations and here's to a bright future filled with success!"