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[영어광고] 포르쉐, Porsche Taycan: 제니가 디자인한 포르쉐

S부장 in US 2023. 6. 9. 16:07

[영어광고] 포르쉐, Porsche Taycan: 제니가 디자인한 포르쉐


[영어광고] 포르쉐, Porsche Taycan: 제니가 디자인한 포르쉐 에 대해 리뷰하려고 합니다.


[영어광고] 포르쉐, Porsche Taycan: 제니가 디자인한 포르쉐

2022년 10월 포르쉐코리아가 블랙핑크 제니와 디자인한 '타이칸 4S 크로스 투리스모 포 제니 루비 제인 (Taycan 4S Cross Turismo for Jennie Ruby Jane)'을 선보였네요.


Jennie Porsche Taycan 4S Cross Turismo는 사륜구동 4도어 웨건으로, EV차로 562hp 마력, 479lb-ft 토르크 및 EPA연비 75MPGe로 240마일 주행범위를 가지네요.


제니 포르쉐
제니 포르쉐



Jennie Ruby Jane designs her dream Porsche Taycan

As an expression of gratitude, Porsche Korea would like to offer as many special opportuniites

as possible for our loyal fans and customers in Korea.

We knew that Jennies is a very special Porsche fan.


It was a pleasant experience to be a part of this project

as it was a dream come true to participate in the ideation to make a Porsche.

I was overjoyed to see that the Porsche team had implemented all the ideas that I imagined and sketched.


We wanted to work on Porsche Korea's first Sonderwunsch vehicle with Jennie

and together with her create her very own personal Porsche.


My intention was to reflect the inspiration of clouds onto the Taycan Cross Turismo.

To emphasize the innocence of clouds in contrast with the intense black colour.

I selected the shades Jet Black MetalLic and Meissenblue as the main colours. 

I also made the choice to have the seats in the whiter colours range

to create the impression of floating clouds.

It was a delight to see that the Sonderwunsch programme reflected even the smallest of details.


So it is our top priority to offer our customers worldwide

a wide range of indivisualisation offer

and on the top of it is our Sonderwunsch programme

where we allow customers to really realise their dream car.


When I saw the Taycan for the first time, 

I felt its inner softness behind its strong charisma.

The Taycan resembles me in this sense,

even though I show a strong character on stage.

I am a girl who always smiles when the spotlights are off.


As the Korean market is of outstanding importance for Porsche AG,

it was a great honour and pleasure for us

to work together with Jennie on the first Korean Sonderwunsch project.

And with all her inspiration she brought into the proejct,

it really became an outstanding experience for everyone involved.





포르쉐 타이칸 제니

포르쉐 타이칸 제니






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