[영어] 지프 광고: Jeep | The Road Ahead
Jeep은 현재 다국적 기업인 Stellantis (formerly, Chrysler)가 소유하고 있는 미국 자동차 브랜드로, 1987년 Chrysler가 이전 소유주인 AMC (American Motors Corporation)로부터 나머지 자산과 Jeep 브랜드를 인수한 후 Chrysler 산하로 Jeep 차량을 생산하고 있습니다.
2차 세계대전 군용 Jeep에서 출발해서, 민간 Jeep로 스포츠 유틸리티 라인업으로 전문화되어 있네요.
Jeep | The Road Ahead
It's impossible to think about where
we're going without appreciating everywhere we've been.
So as we look to our future we do
so making sure our soul remains
making sure our soul remains intact
we summon the best of our past to share a brilliant future.
It's american adventure electrified the corner station
now fueling our tanks with sunlight.
It's an iconic SUV
made even better by you and new trails beckoning more vivid than ever before.
It's freedom at your command
with a built-in co-pilot and stories by the fire
that bring us warmth in new ways
and while we fix our eyes on the road ahead
some things must always remain
four knobby tires, seven slots in the grill
and the freedom of wide open space
disappearing into endless sky.