[여행영어] 영어회화: 택시 부르기, "JFK 공항 가려는데, 택시 불러주세요"
[여행영어] 영어회화: 택시 부르기, "JFK 공항 가려는데, 택시 불러주세요" 에 대해 리뷰하려고 합니다.
영미권 호텔에서 택시 부르기 회화를 정리해보고자 합니다.
직접 택시 회사에 전화하거나, 우버를 이용하지 않으면, 호텔 프론트를 통해서 택시예약을 하게 되는데, 주로 가려는 목적지와 예약 시간을 확인하면 되겠지요.
영어표현: "Could you help me arrange ~ ?" / " I'd like to reserve ~ "
"I'd like to reserve a taxi to JFK Airport, please."
"JFK 공항으로 가는 택시를 예약하고 싶어요."
"Could you help me arrange a taxi to take me to JFK Airport?"
"JFK 공항으로 가는 택시를 예약해 주시겠어요?"
"What time should I book a taxi for my flight from JFK Airport?"
"JFK 공항으로 가는 택시를 언제 예약해야 하나요?"
"I need a taxi to JFK Airport tomorrow morning at [specify time]."
"내일 아침 [시간]에 JFK 공항으로 가는 택시가 필요해요."
"Can you tell me the approximate cost for a taxi ride to JFK Airport?"
"JFK 공항까지 택시 타는데 약간의 비용이 얼마정도 드나요?"
회화 패턴 : "Could you please help me arrange ~ ?" / "I need a taxi to ~ "
Conversation 1:
Guest: Hello, could you please help me arrange a taxi?
Front Desk: Of course! Where would you like to go?
Guest: I need to go to the airport.
Front Desk: Noted. What time would you like the taxi to be ready?
Guest: My flight is at 10:00 AM, so around 8:00 AM should be fine.
Front Desk: Understood. I'll arrange a taxi for you at 8:00 AM. Is there anything else I can assist you with?
Guest: No, thank you. That will be all.
Conversation 2:
Guest: Hi, I was wondering if you could call a taxi for me.
Front Desk: Certainly! Where are you headed?
Guest: I need to go to the train station.
Front Desk: Alright. What time do you need the taxi?
Guest: My train departs at 2:30 PM, so if the taxi could be here by 1:45 PM, that would be great.
Front Desk: Noted. I'll arrange a taxi for you at 1:45 PM. Anything else I can help you with?
Guest: No, that's all. Thank you for your assistance.
Conversation 3:
Guest: Good morning. I need a taxi, please.
Front Desk: Of course! Where do you want to go?
Guest: I'd like to go to the city center.
Front Desk: Understood. When do you need the taxi?
Guest: I'd like to leave at 10:30 AM.
Front Desk: Alright. I'll arrange a taxi for you at 10:30 AM. Do you need any further assistance?
Guest: No, thank you. I think I have everything covered.
[영어] 영어회화: 택시 타기
[영어] 영어회화: 택시 타기 영미권에서 택시 타기는 목적지를 말하는 것에 집중하면, 다른 이슈는 별로 없을 듯 합니다. 영어로 택시 기사에게 목적지를 말하는 패턴은 주로 목적지를 정확히 말