[영어] 영어표현: 송중기 in a relationship
갑작스런 송중기의 열애설 기사가 네이버 뉴스에 가득하네요.
그럼, 연애에 대한 영어어휘를 공부하는 기회로 활용해보지요.
영어로 적합한 연애하다 / 사귀다 표현은 be in a relationship 으로 성별 상관없이 사용이 가능하다고 합니다.
한국에서 많이 사용하는 썸 타다 는 be something going on 이고, 헤어지다는 get over / break up with 가 적합 하네요.
- 사귀는 관계이다 be in a relationship / get into a relationship with+사람
The famous K-drama actor is in a relationship with an unknown British girl.
He got into a relationship with her after divorcing with his ex-wife 3 years ago.
- 데이트 한다 go out a date / go out
He is going out a date with a blonde girl.
- 썸을 타다 be something between / Have something going on (or with)+사람
He has had something going with her long time.
- 헤어지다 get over / get over a crush (or breakups)
He just got over breakups with that beautiful spanish woman.
- 유혹하다 flirt / allure / charm / attract
A neighbor woman flirted with me at last night party.
A single man has attracted a elegant married woman at bar.
- 약혼하다 be engage to+사람 / be betrothed to+사람
When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph (NAB Bible)
His mother Mary was engaged to Joseph. (GNB Bible)
- 결혼하다 get married / get married to+사람 / tie the knot with+사람
An England prince got marreid to an US actress.
A Japanese princess tied the knot with a plain lawyer.
Actor Song Joong-ki's agency confirms he is in a relationship
Actor Song Joong-ki is in a relationship, according to his agency High Zium Studio Monday.