
스페인어로 쇼핑 표현: ~보여주세요 Puede mostrarme ese/esa~

S부장 in US 2023. 8. 26. 20:20

스페인어로 쇼핑 표현: ~보여주세요 Puede mostrarme ese/esa~


[여행 스페인어] 쇼핑 표현: ~보여주세요 Puede mostrarme ese/esa~ 에 대해 리뷰하려고 합니다.


쇼핑 표현: ~보여주세요 Puede mostrarme ese/esa~

스페인 및 중남미로 여행가게 되면, 의외로 영어가 안통하는 것을 많이 경험하게 됩니다.


스페인어로 간단히 물건을 고르고 살 수 있는 기본표현 정리해 보고자 합니다.


일단, 사려는 과일이나 물건까지 스페인어로 알아야 완벽하지만, 먼저 반복적으로 사용되는 기본표현을 알면 도움이 될 것 같습니다.


또한, 실제 상황에서는 스페인어에서 제일 많이 사용하는 "por favor" (please) 및 "gracias" (thank you)을 잊지 않고 사용하면, 더 좋은 분위기가 되겠네요.


얼마에요?   ¿Cuánto cuesta?

Spanish: Quisiera ~

Korean: ~ 주문하고 싶어요

English: I would like ~

Verb Explanation: "Quisiera" comes from the verb "querer," which means "to want." It's a polite way to express your desire to purchase something.


Spanish: ¿Cuánto cuesta?

Korean: 얼마에요?

English: How much does it cost?

Verb Explanation: "Cuesta" is the third person singular form of the verb "costar," meaning "to cost."


Spanish: ¿Tienen esto en otro color/talla?

Korean: 다른 색/사이즈는 있나요?

English: Do you have this in another color/size?

Verb Explanation: "Tienen" is the third person plural form of the verb "tener," which means "to have." In this context, it's asking if the shop has something in a different color or size.


Spanish: ¿Puede mostrarme ese/esa...?

Korean: 그거 보여주실래요?

English: Can you show me that...?

Verb Explanation: "Puede" comes from the verb "poder," meaning "can." It's asking if the shopkeeper can show you a specific item.


Spanish: Estoy buscando...

Korean: ...을/를 찾고 있어요

English: I am looking for...

Verb Explanation: "Buscando" comes from the verb "buscar," which means "to look for." It's stating that you are searching for a specific item.



바르셀로나 시장
바르셀로나 시장



~ 사고 싶어요  Me gustaría comprar ~

Spanish: Me gustaría comprar...

Korean: ...을/를 사고 싶어요

English: I would like to buy...

Verb Explanation: "Gustaría" comes from the verb "gustar," which usually means "to like," but in this context, it's used to express a desire to purchase something.


Spanish: ¿Aceptan tarjeta de crédito?

Korean: 신용카드 받아요?

English: Do you accept credit card?

Verb Explanation: "Aceptan" is the third person plural form of the verb "aceptar," meaning "to accept."


Spanish: ¿Puedo pagar en efectivo?

Korean: 현금으로 결제할 수 있어요?

English: Can I pay in cash?

Verb Explanation: "Puedo" comes from the verb "poder," meaning "can." It's asking if you can pay using cash.


Spanish: ¿Tienen alguna oferta/especial?

Korean: 특별 할인/이벤트 있나요?

English: Do you have any offers/specials?

Verb Explanation: "Tienen" is the third person plural form of the verb "tener," which means "to have." This question is asking if the shop has any discounts or special deals.


Spanish: Voy a llevar esto.

Korean: 이거 가져갈게요.

English: I'm going to take this.

Verb Explanation: "Voy a llevar" combines "ir" (to go) and "llevar" (to take). It's stating your intention to purchase and take the item.



회화패턴: 사과 살때  Purchasing Apples

Customer: Hola, ¿cuánto cuesta un kilo de manzanas? (Hello, how much does a kilo of apples cost?)

Shopkeeper: Son 2 euros por kilo. (It's 2 euros per kilo.)

Customer: Está bien, quiero un kilo, por favor. (Alright, I want a kilo, please.)

Shopkeeper: Claro, aquí tiene. (Sure, here you go.)

Customer: Gracias. (Thank you.)


회화패턴:  모자 살때   Purchasing a Hat

Customer: Hola, ¿tienen este sombrero en otro color? (Hello, do you have this hat in another color?)

Shopkeeper: Sí, también lo tenemos en azul y negro. (Yes, we also have it in blue and black.)

Customer: Me gusta el negro, lo llevaré. (I like the black one, I'll take it.)

Shopkeeper: Perfecto, aquí lo tiene. (Perfect, here you go.)

Customer: Gracias. (Thank you.)







[스페인어] 기본표현: 레스토랑 주문하기, "~주세요" Quisiera ~ / Quiero probar ~

[스페인어] 기본표현: 레스토랑 주문하기, "~주세요" Quisiera ~ / Quiero probar ~ 스페인어로 레스토랑에서 음식 주문할 때 사용하는, "~ 주세요" 에 대한 표현에 대해 알아 보려고 합니다. 레스토랑에서



[스페인어] 기본표현: "라떼 주세요" "라떼 주문할께요"

[스페인어] 기본표현: "얼마에요?" "~ 사고 싶어요" [스페인어] 기본인사: "안녕하세요" Hola, "감사합니다" Gracias stephan-review.tistory.com stephan-review.tistory.com


